Close Account
How to Close Your Account
There is a $37.00 service disconnection charge to close an account.
A water service account with the Goleta Water District may be closed either by:
- Phone: Call the District’s Customer Service Desk at (805) 964-6761
- Online: Click here to access a convenient online form
- In Person: The District customer service counter located at Goleta Water District 4699 Hollister Avenue Goleta, CA 93110 is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Note to Customers:
Any customer who vacates premises being served water by the District and fails to request that service be taken out of their name shall be held responsible for all water used on those premises up until the time the District has actual notice.
If a customer fails to pay the final bill for water service after he has vacated premises, and he owns the property, a lien will be imposed upon that property.